About us

About us at AB Linde Maskiner

AB Linde Maskiner in brief

  • Established in 1853
  • Subcontractor of sheet metal components
  • Number of permanent employees about 120
  • Production area 8000 square metres
  • Plate consumption about 9000 tonnes
  • Turnover approximately SEK 230 million

Business concept

  • We deliver, based on customer specifications, sheet metal components and assemblies with the highest standards of quality and delivery reliability.
  • We win and retain business by being a competitive, knowledgeable and reliable partner.


  • We will be a natural partner to customers in the heavy automotive industry and other engineering industries.
  • We are part of improving our customers' production processes.
  • We want to be associated with a high level of service and quality in all our work.
  • We will be profitable and continuously invest in people, equipment and premises.

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Ethics policy

AB Linde Maskiners ambition is to conduct our business on a commercial basis and never use methods that hinder economic, social or democratic development. We behave with professionalism and integrity towards our customers, suppliers and other actors in the world around us.

 We achieve this by:

  • Always respect the dignity of all people and recognise human rights
  • Be loyal to the company and its values
  • Comply with laws and regulations, agreements and standards applicable in the markets where we operate
  • Work against all forms of corruption and unethical marketing
  • Strive to ensure that our suppliers and customers adhere to the principles of our Code of Ethics and do not have relationships with companies that violate the rights of individuals or suppress their rights.
  • We also follow the UN rules in this area, www.unglobalcompact.org/AboutTheGC/TheTenPrinciples/index.html
We demand honesty and integrity in our business activities and expect the same from all parties with whom we have a business relationship - customers, suppliers and other business partners. It is the responsibility of all employees to comply with the Code of Ethics and no one in the organisation has the right to approve exceptions to how the Code is applied in practice.

Whistleblowing policy

In order to promote a good working climate for our partners and employees, AB Linde Maskiner has established a whistleblower channel where you can report and inform about irregularities such as ongoing crimes, unethical behaviour or corruption.
It may concern things that have happened, are happening or are at risk of happening.
You can also blow the whistle on accidents, abuses of power or other things you want to tell us about.
Through our implementation, you can choose to remain anonymous and we also have a prohibition in Swedish law that prohibits us from investigating who you are in any way. This protection aims to ensure that you do not suffer any retaliation following a whistleblowing. By blowing the whistle, you are guaranteed and protected by law against retaliation. This means that you cannot be penalised for reporting on matters that are important to you, your colleagues, people in general and to us as an organisation and employer.

We want to provide you as an employee, former employee, prospective employee, partner, consultant, subcontractor, trainee with the best possible protection and solution. Therefore, we have chosen to make our Whistleblower Channel available by the external company Whistlesecure. Thanks to this, we do not store any personal data about you when you choose to remain anonymous.

By accessing this link you can submit your whistleblowing 24 hours a day, completely anonymously.
The service is available in over 70+ languages and supports those with disabilities and possible visual impairments.

To handle all whistleblowing cases with the highest possible quality and rigour, we have appointed an internal team that is also supported by external lawyers and attorneys when needed. The aim of this is to always be able to act correctly and promptly.

AB Linde Machinery

We are your partner in most things related to sheet metal.

We work with sheet metal from a few millimetres thick up to 25 mm. We use automatic presses, laser cutters, hydraulic presses, welding and assembly.


Hyttevägen 10
SE -711 31 Lindesberg